
Saturday September 9, 2017 4:00 AM


Budman's House
Indianapolis, IN 46214


September 9th, 2017 at 4pm to 6pm


This is an old school style frag swap...and our 3rd Annual Old School Style frag Swap!!  Yep, reefers only...and we bring labeled specimen cups or bags with our home grown corals in them.  No tanks for this swap folks...bring a blue LED flashlight, and your wallet or card.  This is a great time to show off our aqua-cultured corals and trade or sell them to aquire new reef gems.  RSVP at our INDMAS.org website to reserve :



  1. INDMAS Members Only
  2. Corals will need to be labeled in bags, specimen containers, Tupperware, etc.
  3. No tables or tanks set up for this event (Bring that special Orphek Azurelite to see those corals pop)
  4. Please don't forget to bring coolers for insulation to keep them at optimal temperature. (Should the temperature be far from 75-80 pick up a cold/hot pack)


We will be loading up on raffles for this event, last year we had over $500 in raffles for this event!  Tell your friends!!
