Dirks, The Real Reefers Store
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Dirks carries many different drygoods for many aquarium set upssalt, fresh, reef,  large, small, simple, sophisticated or anything inbetween. While I do bring a LOT of stuff to most shows and swaps, many things are left at home. If you are looking for anyting inparticular please contact me before  and we can go from there. I do drive so in most cases I am on the road 1 1/2 - 3 days before most events. Many in the past are contacting me when I am already in route.

Also, some product area's I do stay away from because of various reasons.....Neptune aqua controllers, reef keepers, many high end led lights and other things. I don't drive a semi, only a pickup!!!! There are limitations

See many of you soon, please contact me with any questions

thanks, Dirk

reefgrip@hotmail.com   651 388 7319

603 W 3rd st
Red Wing, MN 55066
Phone: 651 388 7319
Email: reefgrip@hotmail.com