
Saturday January 15, 2022 11:00 AM


Kenton Dr
Highland Heights , KY 41076


DATE: January 15th, 2022 - 11 AM to 4 PM

NEW LOCATION: Northern Kentucky University Student Union Ballroom! Free Parking across street.

ADDRESS: Kenton Dr, Highland Heights KY 41076 

ADMISSION: General Admissions is $5 and free for children under 12. Cincyreef Members have FREE admission. 


CINCYREEF is pleased to announce the 2022, 18th Annual Frag Swap! 

11:00 Public Frag Swap Entry 

Raffles 2:30-3:00 

Swap Closes 4:00

●There will be a wide variety of vendors!!

●New Venue, with extra Elbow room! 

●Free admission for club member, otherwise a low $5 for admittance

●Membership is just $25 a year

●Food  Available  

●And finally we will have fabulous raffle prizes


See everyone on the 15th of January!!!


Coming soon
