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82845051 10121316909684004 1847475994781286400 o
1 pictures
Price $40.00
Available 0
Seller Tony & Sanjay (Profile|Listings)

Awesome cap. High light and flow to get nodules; mine is just starting to develop them. Lineage is Tyree's website to Sanjay to me, verifiable on reeffarmers.com
frags will be triangle-shaped, 1.25 to 1.5in long. Update: I ended up cutting more than expected.

82892617 10121316906151084 3960114276756094976 o
1 pictures
Price $10.00
Available 0
Seller Tony & Sanjay (Profile|Listings)

Fun addition to your sump, which is where these grow and multiply for me. Most people who started their reefs with live rock are familiar with the smaller white hard-tube worms; these have fans about the size of a pea with nice color. Closely related to Christmas Tree Worms, except they require no special care and reproduce in captivity. They don't like light, so they won't get out of hand in your display. 5 worms, either loose or attached to a small piece of rubble from my sump. Just toss them in a low-flow area of yours and you're good to go.