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1 pictures
Price $10.00
Available 8
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

At least 4 polyps of cloves attached to rock or dead coral

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0 pictures
Price $30.00
Available 0
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

as sent in message

1 pictures
Price $10.00
Available 5
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

10 great little algae eater, looks like a tiny queen conch, reproduces in your tank, and unlikely to eat anything you don't want eaten. I am pretty sure they aren't actually in the Strombus genus, but that's the name they are know for in the hobby. They reproduce in captivity.

1 pictures
Price $20.00
Available 8
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

At least 10 heads unattached.

1 pictures
Price $30.00
Available 0
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

Fireworks cloves, brilliant orange/pink/red under blue light with green centers that just doesn't photograph. This is a large clump attached and growing on an old montipora skeleton.

1 pictures
Price $10.00
Available 1
Seller Brad (Profile|Listings)

Sorry for my lack of photography skills, but this shows the size of what you get, and everyone knows what this coral looks like. I will try to add a picture of the colony if I can. I have plenty of it, but it is difficult to break off larger pieces. MSG me if you want me to try. Unmounted.