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Pfbblzy4 o
2 pictures
Price $60.00
Available 2
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

A very bright, legitimately yellow shorter tentacle goni. This is a good grower and has proven to be very hardy. It sells out pretty much immediately whenever I have frags available.

Cusqdzph o
1 pictures
Price $200.00
Available 1
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

A double head of this vibrant indo torch

Cusqdzph o
1 pictures
Price $150.00
Available 1
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

A nice indo specimen!

Mttiqhdq o
2 pictures
Price $180.00
Available 2
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

Pre-order sale!

Single heads of what is far and away the goldest torch in my collection, which features a lot of gold varieties! To show just how insane this thing really is, the second pic shows a head next to my Dragon Soul and Jade, neither of which are even remotely dull.

0duy9b9q o
2 pictures
Price $240.00
Available 1
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

You will get one of the two pictured scolys, which will only make the trip if reserved ahead of time. They are around 2.5" closed, and they open to over 3". Very bright, with a lot of the desired "bleeding" effect.

0duy9b9q o
2 pictures
Price $240.00
Available 1
Seller marineman (Profile|Listings)

These are incredible! While the pics look alright, they do not do these justice. You will get one of these two, and they are only making the trip with me if reserved ahead of time due to the space it takes in my frag tank. Approximately 2.5" closed, and over 3" when they open up.