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6 c37691 c b54 b 4 ff3 8 a41 bc203 cad2 f0 b
1 pictures
Price $20.00
Available 1
Seller The Camaro Show (Profile|Listings)

I have a bunch of frags of vamps in frags of all similar sizes to this one.
This frag is an example

Cff0 fc92 98 b2 423 a 836 b 5 ce8 a59 b3 df2
1 pictures
Price $1.00
Available 100
Seller The Camaro Show (Profile|Listings)

Camaro Show Corals is your One Stop Shop for all your High End Coral Needs. Looking for something specific? We have you covered just reach out and there’s a good chance we have a frag available! The Highest End SPS,LPS,ZOAS and Mushrooms are our favorites! We give awesome package deals and 10% off all repeat customers! Pleas send us a message if you would like to inquire about a piece and price. Stay tuned for all our pre orders!