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Af1qipmjstljudew7npgnrgm7cs7skatf0h0 fvexavbcakbkxsfymizz8ps68dg4rrd0q?pli=1&key=uxa1dtlfmju3v3dtsdnnek9tsejbntzrzlpnq1fn
1 pictures
Price $20.00
Available 20
Seller ross (Profile|Listings)

Missed the chance to get a table this year so will prebag stuff that people want.
Bags with xenia - $5
Toadstools - $10
tri-color acro frags UNmounted - $15 (these will be 2" tall MINIMUM)
tri-color acro small colonies - $45
large rock with medium/large acro colony and huge red plate - $100
Green finger leather ($10 small $20 large)
Greenstar polyps ($5)
huge mushroom rock ($30)
mushrooms ($5 each)
huge purple plate coral ($25)
gorgonian (photosynthetic) $20
Photos with everything here - https://photos.app.goo.gl/DMrdCaoYaK3Mki1z8