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Do you like the service that ReefTrader.com provides? Have you sold or bought a bunch of frags for the upcoming swap? Please consider supporting ReefTrader.com to help keep the site up and running with continued improvement and development. Your support would be much appreciated! Even $1 per user would go a long way in covering our yearly costs.
20150227 063204 zpsai8hxyug
1 pictures
Price $40.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>These are 3 brand new bulbs. I had them as replacements but decided to shut down my tank. They are 54 watt (the one box had tape from how it was shipped removed where the 54 watt is&nbsp;printed).2 Blue Plus bulbs, 1 Coral Plus bulb.</p>

20150122 092827 zpsle1xmyyn
1 pictures
Price $150.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>Frag tank&nbsp;is a 65 gallon acrylic custom made tank. Very sturdy, with a built in overflow on one side. Dimentions are 48x24x13 (l x w x h).&nbsp;<br />
<br />
I can also throw in a 60 gallon glass tank that I planned to turn into a <a href="http://www.michiganreefers.com/forums/glossary.php?do=viewglossary&amp;term=202" rel="nofollow">Sump</a> but never got around to it. Dimentions are 36x18x21.</p>

<p>Must be picked up within the first 2 hours of the swap.</p>

1 pictures
Price $30.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it in time. Must be picked up within the first 2 hours of the swap. This frag has two branches, largest branch is just over an inch. Fragged months ago so well healed.</span></p>

Reddragon zpse810e600
1 pictures
Price $5.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>Please do not request this unless you absolutely want it. I am shutting down my tank after the swap and won&#39;t be able to relist it. This is for a tiny frag on a frag plug, it&#39;s about 1/2&quot; tall. grew from where the original frag was broken off and placed onto my rock work. Must be picked up within the first 2 hours of the swap.</p>

Montipora20setosa2md zps035rha3u
1 pictures
Price $15.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>Please do not request this unless you absolutely want it. I am shutting down my tank after the swap and won&#39;t be able to relist any cancellations. This is for a 2&quot; piece of setosa, a really nice neon pink coral. Must be picked up within first 2 hours of the swap.</p>

Bluematrix zpsoy750dbv
1 pictures
Price $60.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible.&nbsp;Pic is not mine but captures the colors best. Its about 2&quot; tall, and the base has started to grow over the rock. It will come on the rock its on. Must be picked up in the first 2 hours of the swap.</span></p>

Stellata zps64333099
1 pictures
Price $10.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. &nbsp;This is for a frag plug that&#39;s almost completely covered. Must pick up within the first 2 hours of the swap.</span></p>

Feather%20duster zpsb60ytmip
1 pictures
Price $15.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. &nbsp;This is a really nicely colored feather duster, had it for years.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:22px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:22px">Will come with the rock its attached to.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Must be picked up within 1st 2 hours of swap.</span></p>

Clowns zps65f8a0f8
1 pictures
Price $15.00
Available 3
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. Very slow grower, I get about 1 or 2 a year so it won&#39;t overpopulate your tank. Nice, rare, solid red color.&nbsp;</span></p>

Tricolorstylo1 zps873ba734
1 pictures
Price $20.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. &nbsp;This is a largse 3&quot; frag. Multiple branches. Only one available. Must be picked up within first 2 hours of swap.</span></p>

Support mobile
Do you like the service that ReefTrader.com provides? Have you sold or bought a bunch of frags for the upcoming swap? Please consider supporting ReefTrader.com to help keep the site up and running with continued improvement and development. Your support would be much appreciated! Even $1 per user would go a long way in covering our yearly costs.
Orabirdofparadise zpsccnrvzpw
1 pictures
Price $25.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. This is a large frag with two main branches that are 3&quot; each. Must be picked up within first 2 hours of swap. Not my pic.</span></p>

Auctioned rainbowstylophora side
1 pictures
Price $25.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it</span><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">&nbsp;in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. &nbsp;This is my favorite coral in my tank. 4x6&quot; 1st pic is not mine but captures the colors best. These frags will be around 1&quot; and have multiple branches. Must be picked up within the first 2 hours of the swap.</span></p>

1 pictures
Price $25.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>This is for a larger frag of this beautiful coral. It is a chunk on a frag plug, and has grown over the top of the plug. Please don&#39;t request if you aren&#39;t absolutely sure...I am shutting down my tank after the swap and won&#39;t be able to relist it in time. Also, plan on picking up within the 1st 2 hours of the swap.</p>

Bubbletip zps09322728
1 pictures
Price $65.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p>Please do not request this unless you absolutely want it. I will be shutting down my tank and won&#39;t be able to re-list it in time if you cancel.&nbsp;Really nice hot pink anemone. Has kept its bubbles the whole time in my tank (almost 2 years now) and has never moved...it is high up by my sps. It will be on the rock it is attached to in my tank. About 4&quot; across</p>

Grapes zpst8a0q6ti
1 pictures
Price $40.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. Normally sells for $15 an inch when you can find it. I&#39;ve had this piece for years. I wasn&#39;t able to get a good pic, pic does not show entire colony....my colony is approx 5&quot; around.</span></p>

Clown.frogspawn zpsp43egc0b
1 pictures
Price $30.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. About the size of a softball, maybe a little smaller. My clowns used to host in this coral.</span></p>

1 pictures
Price $50.00
Available 1
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This grew from a legally collected piece of live rock. They cannot be legally collected any other way, so this is an extremely rare item. It has the same requirements as sps corals - high light and high flow.&nbsp;This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. On a rock, approx 4x6&quot; tall, very slow grower. Pic does not show entire colony.</span></p>

1 pictures
Price $50.00
Available 1
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. On a rock, approx 4x6&quot;, pic does not show entire colony. Must be picked up within the first 2 hours of the swap.</span></p>

Reddragon zpse810e600
1 pictures
Price $40.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. 3x2&quot;, pic does not show entire colony.</span></p>

1 pictures
Price $50.00
Available 0
Seller weimers75 (Profile|Listings)

<p><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Another great corol that you don&#39;t often see a colony of. Please do not request this and then cancel before the swap - I am shutting down my tank after the swap, if you cancel I won&#39;t be able to sell it as is or frag it in time. This is a huge deal so that I can clear out my tank in as few transactions as possible. Another big seller at swaps so you can easily recoup your money. 5x5&quot;, pic does not show entire colony</span></p>