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14666057 1324274894272515 8476545306937727424 n
1 pictures
Price $40.00
Available 5
Seller ARC RandyO (Profile|Listings)

This is the Acan on the bottom row. It has a teal outside rim with a gold inside ring and a purple Center. These polyps expand to a huge size and has been a local favorite for years back in Buffalo NY. We are bringing a few frags of them with us. Price is 40.00 for singles and 75.00 for doubles. Come check them out at our booth. A Reef Creation

14656445 1324274804272524 3698202512999326560 n
1 pictures
Price $75.00
Available 3
Seller ARC RandyO (Profile|Listings)

Bright Orange Indo Torch corals with long thin tentacles. We will have lots of varieties at our booth. Come check us out at A Reef Creation.