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1 pictures
Price $35.00
Available 0
Seller Aquaman024 (Profile|Listings)

Only a repost due to a cancellation.
I only know one other person that has these. Get them while you can.

2 polyps

No image
0 pictures
Price $0.00
Available 1
Seller Aquaman024 (Profile|Listings)

Frozen hornets as discussed

1 pictures
Price $35.00
Available 1
Seller Aquaman024 (Profile|Listings)

Due to requests, I fragged some more This is probably the last call. I have one frag with 6 polyps on it. If you are interested in it PM me.

1 pictures
Price $35.00
Available 1
Seller Aquaman024 (Profile|Listings)

I only know one other person that has them. Get them while you can.

2 polyps