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2014 01 26%2017.46.51
4 pictures
Price $75.00
Available 1
Seller Jason (Profile|Listings)

<p>I used these lamps for a few years, switched to LED, but kept them for frag tanks that never happened. &nbsp;Worked great on my 90g tank. &nbsp;Bulbs only had a month or so of use, but I&#39;d replace within a few months anyways. &nbsp;Complete setup with Galaxy 250w Dual ballast, bulbs, pendants and wiring. &nbsp;Sorry for the dust.</p>

Img 1449small
2 pictures
Price $85.00
Available 0
Seller Jason (Profile|Listings)

<p>I&#39;ve had this beautiful Desjardini for just over a year, he&#39;s fat and healthy, never had an issue with disease or aggression. &nbsp;Downsized my tanks and he needs to go. &nbsp;Eats everything. &nbsp;Make offer.</p>

Img 1460
2 pictures
Price $60.00
Available 1
Seller Jason (Profile|Listings)

<p>Has nearly 100 heads, decent grower, shown under 50%/50% blue/white LED</p>