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Bkfnjiln o
1 pictures
Price $35.00
Available 7
Seller FF419 (Profile|Listings)

This robust terminal box allows up to six switches to be easily connected to the I/O port of the Neptune Apex aquarium controller. Unlike similar input boxes from Neptune, mine features heavy duty spring terminals, with a separate common terminal for each input. This is very important, as a shared screw terminal becomes very unwieldy when you try to shove six wires into one small hole.

5 foot cable.

Vtnthsmt o
1 pictures
Price $150.00
Available 0
Seller FF419 (Profile|Listings)

Brand new Classis 110-INT skimmer. I purchased this for my build before finding a great deal on a larger used one. This is in perfect condition! These are still $200, willing to knock off $50!

Mluo72q1 o
4 pictures
Price $100.00
Available 1
Seller FF419 (Profile|Listings)

Really nice rainbow anemone that has grown to around 5 inches when open. These pictures are taken with my cellphone and without any filter or editing.