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1 pictures
Price $25.00
Available 1
Seller jeffmol54 (Profile|Listings)

Beautiful vibrant anemones that will pop in your tanks and are very hardy. Bright Red and orange arms with green centers and silverish white specs throughout the nem, really looks amazing!Reproduce pretty rapidly in the right settings and love to be fed, looks good in just about any lighting and keeps color!

1 pictures
Price $15.00
Available 3
Seller jeffmol54 (Profile|Listings)

3-4 full size polyps with babies ; Beautiful fast growing polyps that add beautiful bright color to reef tank, can grow tall or short depending on flow placement, higher flow and higher light they grow shorter

Dont forget to check out my other listings; if you have multiple reservations you get a free coral!

2 pictures
Price $30.00
Available 2
Seller jeffmol54 (Profile|Listings)

Beautiful vibrant anemones that will pop in your tanks and are very hardy. Bright Red and orange arms with green centers and silverish white specs throughout the nem, really looks amazing!Reproduce pretty rapidly in the right settings and love to be fed, looks good in just about any lighting and keeps color!